Ellerslie presses ahead despite aftershocks and water restrictions

The 2012 Ellerslie International Flower Show is still set to brighten the city from 7 – 11 March, despite the recent aftershocks and water restrictions placed on the city.
General Manager for the Show Dave Mee says with a watering contingency plan in place, exhibitors are preparing their gardens and the Show will go ahead as scheduled.
“The recent aftershocks have not disrupted our plans. We’re lucky to have a big open park as our venue, which means there’s low risk of damage or other earthquake-related disturbances affecting our plans.
“This year’s Show is gearing up to be a really exciting one for locals with a number of gardens that will represent the future of Christchurch as it is rebuilt. There will also be an influx of flowers and colour to create an atmosphere that is sure to brighten the mood of quake weary Christchurch residents.”
While the ongoing aftershocks are likely to have minimal impact on the Show, organisers are conscious of the level three water restrictions currently in place across Christchurch and the risk of a full outdoor watering ban.
Mr Mee says, “We are monitoring the water situation in Christchurch and will adapt our plans for outdoor watering depending on how things go. At a minimum we will be adhering to the level three restrictions if they are still required in March.
“We’re working closely with the Council and we have plans in place for getting water elsewhere if needed.”
For more information about this year’s Ellerslie International Flower Show and to purchase tickets, visit www.ellerslieflowershow.co.nz.