Wriggle & Rhyme Boost for Dunedin and Mosgiel Babies

Dunedin City Council

Monday 16 January 2012, 12:48PM

By Dunedin City Council



Dunedin’s babies will get a boost of activity, thanks to free Wriggle & Rhyme: Active Movement for Early Learning sessions. Wriggle and Rhyme, for children from 0-2 years, will guide parents through different movement activities that they can use at home.
The sessions are beginning again at the Dunedin City Library, every Tuesday at 10.30am starting on 31 January. They are also to be trialed at Mosgiel Library every Thursday at 11.00am, from Thursday 2 February.
Active Movement is a Sport and Recreation NZ (SPARC) initiative to provide positive movement experiences that stimulate development of both the brain and the body, building the foundations for pre-literacy and learning. Each Wriggle & Rhyme session will be based on the Active Movement set of 14 activity guides, using a range of music and movement.
Libraries all over New Zealand are working with their councils and regional sports trusts to provide Wriggle & Rhyme sessions, mainly focused on babies (from birth to two years).
Dunedin City Library, in conjunction with Sport Otago, has been running the sessions during school term, for over a year, with great success. Library staff are confident that the trial sessions at Mosgiel Library will be just as popular with parents and babies as those in the city.
Movement is a child’s first language, so it is important to provide babies with whole body movements, right from birth. Parents and caregivers are invited to take part in these free weekly sessions at their local library where they can also learn skills to put into practice at home.
For more information, parents can get in touch with their local Dunedin Public Library, at 03 474 3690 or

Wriggle & Rhyme: Active Movement for Early Learning
Every Tuesday from 31 January, 10.30am, City Library
Every Thursday from 2 February, 11.00am, Mosgiel Library