Aniseed Valley Road Remains Closed to the General Public
Aniseed Valley Road remains closed to the general public with residents having access to their homes through Mead Road.
“Mead Road is a private road and the owners have been very accommodating in allowing access until essential engineering works are completed on Aniseed Valley Road,” said Tasman District Council’s Transportation Manager Gary Clark.
While the Aniseed Valley is known for some of the best river swimming and parks in the Tasman District, the only people that should be using Mead Road are residents and the trucks from the company who owns the road.
The current alternative access to houses up the valley is not ideal for general traffic and should not be viewed as a general access route and ideally kept clear.
“It is hoped this situation is short term and that people will have access to the river and the adjoining parks very shortly.”
“Until the Valley Road is restored people are asked to refrain from using the road unless they are residents or are representatives of the owners of the road itself”, concluded Mr Clark.