Ellerslie preparations underway

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 19 January 2012, 6:41PM

By Christchurch City Council


Egmont Seed Co General Manager John McCullough checks on progress with the thousands of flowers being grown for this year's Ellerslie International Flower Show at Zealandia nurseries.
Egmont Seed Co General Manager John McCullough checks on progress with the thousands of flowers being grown for this year's Ellerslie International Flower Show at Zealandia nurseries. Credit: Christchurch City Council


Work began this week on planting the more than 2000 hanging baskets and planters which will bring colour and see more than 50,000 flowers on display at this year’s Ellerslie International Flower Show.

New Zealand’s largest flower seed company and the Show’s major sponsor Egmont Seed Co will have more than 1000 hanging baskets and 1000 planters on display at this year’s Show, many planted with new varieties of bedding plants not seen before in New Zealand.

Egmont Seed’s General Manager John McCullough was in Christchurch today (Thursday 19 January) checking on progress with the more than 15,000 flowers being grown at Christchurch’s Zealandia nurseries.

He says the flowers for the hanging baskets and planters are being grown throughout New Zealand by members of the Nursery & Garden Industry Association and will be transported on site the weekend before the Show opens to the public on Wednesday 7 March.

“New Zealanders love their gardens and always want to have lots of colour. With the hanging baskets and planters we are highlighting the wonderful variety of pants that are available in New Zealand.

“Many of these are not on display in garden centres but can be easily grown from seed which is readily available at your independent gardens centres or via mail order.”

Mr McCullough says Ellerslie is all about flowers and gardeners will find plenty of inspiration for their garden with the new colour waves, foliage and form they will see in the hanging baskets and planters at this year’s Show.

“Ellerslie should be about fun and creative gardening and that is exactly what we are trying to achieve with the floral displays this year.”

Egmont Seeds is also giving away 40,000 potted plants and 40,000 wildflower and 40,000 lettuce seed packets to visitors as they leave the Show this year.

Ellerslie International Flower Show, North Hagley Park, 7 to 11 March 2012. Early Bird tickets available $29 each.