Water Mains Flushed In Huntly This Week

Waikato District Council

Tuesday 31 January 2012, 7:18PM

By Waikato District Council



Huntly residents are advised that the town water supply pipes are being flushed as part of an ongoing process to preserve the quality of the district's drinking water.

From time to time tastes and odours can be detected in the reticulated water system, and flushing the pipes is necessary to ensure tap water remains of good quality. This work is being done in Huntly, but it may also be carried out on occasion at other places across the district that have reticulated water systems.

While council staff are conducting this necessary maintenance on the district’s water supply infrastructure, residents are reminded that water restrictions remain in place, said water & facilities general manager Richard Bax.

“Water remains a precious resource during the summer months and we would urge people to conserve water where possible,” Mr Bax said.

The current level of restriction in the Waikato District is alert level 1, which means domestic sprinkler systems are only permitted between 6am and 8am, and 6pm and 8pm.

Flushing the water pipes involves attaching a pipe to the road-based fire hydrants, turning the supply on and allowing the water to flow into the nearest drain.