Woodville Upgrade a Great Start in 2012 for our Gateway to Tararua

Tararua District Council

Thursday 9 February 2012, 4:31PM

By Tararua District Council



Council has awarded a $1.1 million contract to upgrade the Woodville Town Centre.

With construction to be staged over two years, this will deliver more attractive footpath and parking amenities along the main streets, providing momentum for improved business development.

Fulton Hogan were the successful tenderer, and they will be able to start at the end of February.

An option to extend the contract works down Ormond Street was deferred due to budget constraints. Council will be seeking public views to increase the overall project budget by a further $200,000 to allow this extra work to proceed, as part of the Draft Long Term Plan consultation. Should the community agree, the extra work could dovetail into the main project.

Mayor Roly Ellis said, “It is exciting news for the town and wider community that we are seeing real progress for Woodville with this major project proceeding. This is the second major investment in Woodville this year, with the water supply upgrade now nearing completion.”