A good example for New Zealand

Thursday 23 February 2012, 3:35PM

By Cancer Society


With the announcement of smoking to be banned in outdoor dining areas in NSW from 2015 and in playgrounds, sports grounds and swimming pools as soon as possible, the Cancer Society’s Smokefree Advisor, Skye Kimura thinks it is only a matter of time before we have similar bans here.

“This is a good example for New Zealand to follow and there is evidence that people are in favour of such legislation. A recent Cancer Council Victoria survey indicated 70% of the 4500 respondents supported a ban on smoking in outdoor dining areas. And we know we have the same support here.

“The Smokefree community is very lucky to be working with Andrew Brown who is a member of the NSW Smokefree outdoor area working group. He is in New Zealand now to support our Outdoor Smokefree Forum, and he has been giving us some very good advice.

“The Cancer Society wants to pursue this type of legislation to protect our children. Further restrictions on smoking are crucial because the more children are exposed to adults smoking around them, the more they start to see smoking as normal.

“We congratulate NSW in taking the lead on this and hope similar legislation will soon be on the drawing board for New Zealand.”