Simply sensational spinach

Friday 2 March 2012, 8:52AM

By Awapuni Nurseries


Spinach Credit: Awapuni Nurseries

I love spinach. I love how you can simply pick the leaves off the plant as they reach the
size you desire.

I also love the taste. Our family always add this tasty annual to our evening meals – from bacon
and egg pie, to quiches to good old chilli con carne. And now is just the right time to plant to
ensure the vege garden is stocked up with this tasty annual for the next few months.

Why’s now a good time to grow spinach I hear you ask? Spinach has an annoying tendency to
head straight to seed if the weather is too warm. Now it’s autumn (did summer even arrive?), the
weather is getting cooler which means your spinach is less likely to go bolting on you.

So, next time your down at your local supermarket, Bunnings or The Warehouse, grab yourself
some Traditional Value or Pop’n’Grow Awapuni seedlings. Alternatively, head to our online store
at and get your seedlings delivered direct to your door.

Remember, if you order six or more items from our online store we’ll also deliver for free to a
non-rural address, or for just $4 to a rural address.

Like to select your own seedlings for quality? We guarantee you’ll be happy with the seedlings
we send you. And, if for any reason you’re not, we’ll replace them – no questions asked.

Once you’ve got your seedlings you need to find a spot to plant them. Spinach likes full sun and
well-fertilised soil. So before you start gardening it pays to mix into the soil some compost or a
good general fertiliser like nitrophoska blue.

Then simply plant your seedlings around 20cm apart from each other. If you want, you can plant
the spinach seedlings in between your brassicas (cauliflower, broccoli etc). The idea is that as
you harvest your spinach the brassicas, which take a little longer to grow, start to fill up the
space the spinach was in.

Spinach is also pretty tasty to slugs and snails so keep an eye out for these slimy pests or try
our foolproof beer bait (see side box).

Lastly, remember to stagger your planting (plant more every couple of weeks) if you want a
constant supply of spinach.

Tod Palenski
Awapuni Nurseries