Maori representation poll to take place
A poll to determine whether or not Wairoa District Council will have dedicated Maori Seats will take place in May as a result of a petition lodged with council this week.
The petition sought to overturn a decision made by councillors last year to delay a poll until the 2013 elections, and instead have a poll as soon as possible. It was validated to a minimum of 281 signatures, which was over the 5 percent threshold required by the Local Electoral Act 2001 to overturn the decision.
The poll will be held on Saturday, 19 May 2012 by postal vote using the first past the post electoral system. The outcome of the poll will be binding for the next two triennial general elections of the Wairoa District Council.
The electoral roll to be used for the poll can be inspected during normal business hours between Friday, 2 March 2012 and Friday, 30 March 2012 at the following locations:
•Wairoa District Council Administration Offices, Queen Street
•Wairoa Public Library, Marine Parade
Enrolment for inclusion on the residential electoral roll is conducted through the Electoral Enrolment Centre. Applications for enrolment should be made by:
•Completing an enrolment form available at Post Shops
•Calling 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56)
•Accessing the Electoral Enrolment Centre website on
Enrolment for inclusion on the non-resident ratepayers electoral roll is conducted through the electoral office of the Wairoa District Council. Applications for enrolment should be made on the prescribed form available from Council offices or