Next step in attempt to protect secure jobs for Ports workers

Tuesday 13 March 2012, 3:08PM

By Maritime Union of New Zealand



The Maritime Union has today taken further legal steps in an effort to protect secure jobs at Ports of Auckland.

An injunction was filed in the Employment Court this morning, to halt Ports of Auckland's proposed dismissal of nearly 300 workers, until the Court can rule on whether or not the dismissals are legal.

The Maritime Union last week asked the Employment Court to determine whether Ports management dismissing its workforce, while in negotiations over an employment agreement for those jobs, is against the law. The case is set down for late March.

Maritime Union President Garry Parsloe said that until this case is heard, it is important that the company did not try to push ahead with their plan to dismiss the workers.

"We have nearly 300 workers whose job security is at risk, from a flawed model of contracting out that may be unlawful. We will continue to challenge this dismissal."

"What our members most want is to get back to work, and get this Port running again. This can happen with a collective agreement that protects basic job security."

"We remain committed to completing bargaining with Ports of Auckland to achieve this," Garry Parsloe said.