Tui Mine water quality testing show promising results

Waikato Regional Council

Wednesday 14 March 2012, 8:12AM

By Waikato Regional Council



Water quality results from the first round of testing at the contaminated Tui Mine have just been received and look promising, says Waikato Regional Council.

The most pleasing result is from a site near one of the entrances to the underground mine, where there has been a 90 per cent reduction in contaminants.

Phase one of the Tui Mine remediation work on Mount Te Aroha, aimed at reducing contaminants being discharged in water seeping from the underground workings, is due for completion in June 2012.

Monitoring of water discharges from the mine is undertaken to track the water quality improvements expected in mine discharges and the Tunakohoia Stream.

River and catchment services group manager Scott Fowlds said water quality results from the first round of testing were compared with readings at seven sites in 2009 and all but one measurement showed similar or improved results.

“These results are typical of what we would expect as the first phase of the project nears completion. Water quality is expected to show an improvement over time,” Mr Fowlds said.

In the case of the one adverse result at one of the mine entrances, Mr Fowlds said lime slurry will be used to treat areas of the mine not reached in earlier stages of the remediation work. “This should lead to long term improvements in water discharges from this particular entrance in the future.”

Ongoing monitoring of both the Tunakohoia and Tui streams will start in September 2013 following completion of phase two remedial works.

The monitoring results from the first water quality testing will be on public display in Te Aroha’s domain on Sunday, 18 March 2012. Remediation project staff will be at the domain to answer any questions about work being undertaken at the mine site.