King Salmon application a dangerous precedent

Monday 2 April 2012, 4:55PM

By Green Party



King Salmon's proposed plan change to the Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan would set a dangerous precedent if approved, Green Party fisheries spokesperson Steffan Browning said today.

King Salmon's application for a plan change to the Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan was publically notified on Saturday. The proposal is to rezone some areas where marine farming is currently prohibited so that it can be undertaken.

"The approval of King Salmon's proposed plan change would mean marine farming could occur anywhere on our coastline," said Mr Browning

"There was a long and full community engagement which resulted in zones where marine farming is excluded.

"The current plan balances the needs of different uses and sets aside pristine environments as well as protecting wild and natural spaces.

"If approved this proposal would mean that the long hours everyone spent coming to a compromise on where marine farming can occur, will have been a waste of time.

"We run the risk of another free for all, piece meal approach to marine farming development.

"Good planning requires a commitment by all parties to an enduring solution.

"There are severe concerns about King Salmon's sustainability claims, both around feed sources and their impacts on the marine environment," said Mr Browning.