Facebook fans invited to start a forest

Thursday 5 April 2012, 8:45AM

By Hastings District Council



Residents are being invited to 'like' the council's Sus'd facebook page and become part of the group which will begin the development of the Omarunui Landfill, Facebook Forest.

Each 'like' on the page will allow another native plant to be put in the ground in a part of the landfill which will not be used for rubbish disposal.

Sus'd ambassador and Hastings District Councillor Tania Kerrr says "This is a fantastic initiative which will beautify an unused area of the landfill site. The Omarunui Landfill Facebook forest will help attract bird life to the area and create a project which will involve the community into the future."

"This is a fun way that members of the community can become involved in beautifying and improving the landfill site while doing something valuable for the environment."

Omarunui Landfill Committee Chair, Councillor Wayne Bradshaw says, "The public planting day will include a walking tour of the landfill site. This is a great opportunity to have a close up look at where the regions rubbish ends up and you will also help plant the first part of, what will ultimately become a valuable forest."

Deputy Chair of the landfill committee, Napier City Councillor Bill Dalton says, "Both councils are committed to providing an environmentally responsible waste disposal site at Omarunui. Improving the landfill's environmental performance is an ongoing challenge and the facebook forest is another way of achieving that goal."

The plants will come from Tree's4Hawke's Bay which is part of the Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust. Cabbage trees, hebe, coprosma, pittosporum, flax, kowhai, ribbonwood, kanuka, and totara will be planted during the initial stages of the project.

Everyone who 'likes' the Sus'd facebook page will be eligible to take part in the planting day on Saturday May 26th at the Omarunui landfill.

Sus'd is a Hastings District Council initiative which provides information on living sustainably.