Exhibition shows importance of science to NZ

Wednesday 11 April 2012, 5:05PM

By Steven Joyce



Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce is encouraging the public to visit the Science in the City exhibition which opens tomorrow on Auckland’s waterfront.

For the first time, government scientists from all the Crown Research Institutes are coming together to show the Auckland community how their science, and the innovative work they do, benefits all New Zealanders.

“This is a unique opportunity to see how key research and technology institutes are helping to answer the world's science questions,” Mr Joyce says.

Along with NIWA and AgResearch, exhibitors at The Cloud will include ESR, Industrial Research Limited, Landcare Research, Plant and Food Research, SCION, Auckland Museum, Our Far South and the Hauraki Gulf Forum. NIWA’s research ship the Tangaroa is also in port and docked next to The Cloud.

“I’m very proud of the world-class research taking place every day in our CRIs. It’s easy to underestimate the value of science and innovation to the New Zealand economy – but the part it plays in so many of our industries cannot be overstated,” Mr Joyce says.

“If you have useful innovation, you will have a ready market, you will be able to access capital, you will be able to hire the skilled people, you will be able to use resources more efficiently, and you will be able to afford to access the infrastructure to support you.

“If we want faster economic growth for our country then innovation is essential.”