Community ideas sought for Art and Cultural Policy Review

Rotorua District Council

Thursday 12 April 2012, 12:10PM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua District Council (RDC) is reviewing its Arts and Cultural Policy and asking the community for feedback.

The council first drafted the policy following community consultation in 1997, resulting in creation of a community arts officer position in 2001 and the establishment of Rotorua Arts Village Experience in 2002.

It has since been rewritten twice, most recently in 2007.

RDC community arts officer Kiri Jarden says Rotorua is fortunate to have a community and council committed to arts and culture.

“We recognise that arts and cultural activities employ a good number of people, support local tourism, enable community participation, and provide great entertainment.

“We’ve sustained projects like Music in the Band Rotunda, Magma Short Film Festival, Fish out of Water, the Artist in Residence programme, artsMAD, Children’s Day and other great celebrations.

“However after nearly five years it’s time to take stock of the changing arts and cultural landscape, our achievements, issues and constraints, and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead.

“We welcome any ideas from local residents on how they think we can strengthen and enhance community arts in our city.”

Ms Jarden says a feedback form will be available online after Easter but in the meantime people can forward any ideas they have on the Arts and Cultural Policy to her at

A public workshop will be held next month.

The existing policy is available to view on the RDC website by clicking here or on the local arts website