Bird Scaring Devices

Thursday 19 April 2012, 2:59PM

By Marlborough District Council


Bird scaring device
Bird scaring device Credit: Marlborough District Council


Bird scarers are one of the sounds of rural Marlborough at this time of the year.

But vineyard managers should be checking them regularly to make sure they’re working within the rules for distance and frequency.

Bird scaring devices must be at least 160 metres away from the boundary of the nearest neighbouring house and at least 100 metres from any public road.

The gas guns should not be making any noise before 6.30 am or after 7.00 pm. They must not go off more than 12 times an hour; that’s either as 12 single bangs or as four groups of three bangs. The rules also specify a decibel limit.

All vineyards using these devices should have a legible notice fixed to the road frontage of the property, giving the name and telephone number (preferably a mobile phone number) of the person responsible for their operation.

Contact: MDC (24 hours) Ph:  03 520 7400     
MDC Environmental Health, Ph:  03 520 7400 (office hours)