North East Waikato Community Committee to meet in May
If you live in Maramarua, Mangatangi or Mangatawhiri, now’s your chance to make a difference in your district.
Residents in the north east of the Waikato district are being asked to a public meeting North East Waikato (NEW) Community Committee. The meeting will be held in the Mangatangi Hall on Thursday May 17, at 7pm.
Waikato district Mayor Allan Sanson said the meeting is an opportunity to ensure all parts of the North East Waikato community are well represented.
“The committee has been doing great work since the amalgamation of the Waikato district with part of the Franklin district,” said Mayor Sanson. “However, we want to make sure we reach as many people as possible, so we’re holding a public meeting to explain what community committees do, and how you can be involved.”
Community committees are a contact point between communities and the Council, helping to provide direction for the local community as well as communicating to council the issues that are important to each part of the district.
Whangamarino ward Councillor, Jan Sedgwick, said the area was a particularly far-flung one, dotted with small communities. “Pulling these together into one voice will help us work more effectively. Local residents are the ones who know their own areas best, and the committee’s job is to bring their ideas together and then prioritise what we can do,” said Cr Sedgwick.