Nigel Brown - Travel to Travel opening at Museum
From historic Russian cities to the expanse of Antarctica – via Europe, Japan and the Pacific – Nigel Brown’s artistic response to overseas travel is captured in Travel to Travel opening at Rotorua Museum on Wednesday [2 May].
This bold and colourful exhibition gives an insight into the influences and inspiration that make Nigel Brown one of New Zealand’s most stimulating figurative artists.
Nigel Brown says travel can be described as a kind of ‘invasion of the mind’ by outside influences.
"I come home with a mind shifted in subtle ways. And from one journey to the next, you are no longer the same."
Brown’s relatively short stints overseas have resulted in significant bodies of work. Travel has been an extension of his New Zealand experience, involving learning new things, gaining a deeper appreciation of other societies and embracing the work of other artists.
Sometimes the exposure to new influences has brought a new direction that informs Brown’s work for years to come, such as recent paintings that embrace the vibrant colour of German Expressionism.
The 46 works in Travel to Travel come from Nigel Brown and partner Sue McLaughlin’s private collection. They include paintings, lithographs, monoprints and one woodcut – featuring nearly 30 years’ worth of travel.
Travel to Travel runs from 2 May to 5 August at Rotorua Museum.
Entry to the exhibition is included with admission to the Museum, which is free for Rotorua residents with proof of residency.