Koutu residents urged to attend youth space hui

Rotorua District Council

Monday 7 May 2012, 1:40PM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua District Council (RDC) is inviting Koutu residents and surrounding communities to a public meeting this week to discuss the council’s new youth space planned for Koutu.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday [9 May] from 5.30pm to 7pm at Waikite Rugby Football Club and will discuss development and design of the youth space to be constructed on Karenga Park later in the year.

RDC youth projects officer Jill Campbell says Koutu youth involved in the council’s E Oho youth programme wrote to the council back in 2009 and subsequently met with the mayor and councillors to talk about issues facing young people living in Koutu. She says their concerns included lack of activities, boredom, and drinking and drugs.

“From this conversation, and following further public consultation, Rotorua District Council agreed to allocate $150,000 for creating a dedicated youth space in Koutu.

“Now, after listening to feedback and developing some design options we want to talk to young people and the community of Koutu to ensure we’re all on the right track.

“We will be talking about the Karenga Park location, developments, water drainage, equipment, expectations, safety, and a project update and timeline.

“This is a really important development for the Koutu community. The youth space parks recently completed in Western Heights and Fordlands have exceeded expectations and given those two communities valuable and high quality investments in their areas. I really urge all Koutu residents to attend the hui so they can be involved in this special project.”

This week’s youth spaces meeting for Koutu is at 5.30pm on Wednesday 9 May at Waikite Rugby Football Club on Bellvue Rd.