Kiwi in London launches online shopping mall for New Zealand women keen on fashion

Monday 14 May 2012, 12:16PM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ


Emma Ponsonby
Emma Ponsonby Credit: Word of Mouth Media NZ

A Kiwi in London has today launched an online shopping mall for women keen on the top international fashion labels.

Emma Ponsonby, who used to be a designer with Taylormade Media, has 70 high end labels on her fashion site and 46 retailers that ship to New Zealand. launched in the UK in February this year, and is now available to NZ shoppers to get access to international brands shipping here.

“About 65 percent of our buyers are from the US but we have customers from 89 countries around the world already.”

“I have spent the last three years at London Fashion Week and we now have seven staff in the team.

People can shop from the site anywhere, and we can run the company from anywhere in the world, how I've set the company up means we can work from anywhere anytime. My head developer is a Kiwi based in London, and I have people on the team in New Zealand, London, Washington, New York and we’ll be expanding to India soon.”

Ponsonby, 31, was brought up in Rangiora, went to boarding school in Dunedin and moved from Wellington to London eight years ago.

In London Ponsonby became a project director working on large scale tv and digital projects for global brands such as Max Factor, L'Oreal and House of Fraser.

“My fashion influences come from my mother, who was a fashion designer in New Zealand when I was growing up, so I spent a lot of time around sewing machines, shopping trips and many pairs of shoes!”

”Today's market is a global and mobile one, with the next generation of consumers using various devices to connect online and shop globally. has created partnerships with online retailers such as Bloomingdales and Hugo Boss. I am now setting my sights on the Arab and Asian markets during a difficult economic period in the UK and Europe.”

“The Luxury Institute says 76 percent of women compare prices via mobile devices while a rapidly growing 27 percent have bought via a mobile device and this trend is set to expand” Ponsonby said.

Leading New Zealand fashion stylist Angela Stone said was just one click away from the world’s most desirable designer clothes, shoes, bags, scarves, and swimwear and lingerie brands.

“It will be amazing to have all of the best brands on one site making shopping with clients online so much easier and time efficient.”