Rates Review In Mayor’s Sights
Tararua mayor Maureen Reynolds is indicating that a rates review will be high on the new council’s agenda but warns that the outcome may not be a case of “instant change.”
The fourth term mayor says she is delighted to be re-elected and thanks the district’s citizens who have demonstrated their confidence in her.
The return of the majority of sitting councillors is also welcomed, along with the election “to the table” of North Ward newcomer Keith Fenemor.
The need for a review of current rating systems had already been discussed by council prior to the election, the mayor said.
She anticipated that the process would start early in 2008 with councillors and staff addressing the issues and coming up with new ideas before moving into consultation with the community.
“But don’t look for instant change.”
“Reviews are not easy and there will always be winners and losers,” she said.
Other imminent district agenda items will be reviews of the District Plan and the LTCCP (Long Term Community Council Plan).
The mayor also looks forward to the completion of the Dannevirke Town Centre Refurbishment Project by December 2008 and the commencement of a similar project for Woodville.
Other matters to be addressed will be the implications to the district of the Horizons Regional Council One Plan hand in hand with the need to find alternative urban water supplies, along with maintenance of infrastructure and continuing improvements to district stormwater and water pipes.
With expired sewerage plant consents in three towns currently being addressed the council will also be biting the bullet on effluent options for the southern end of the district.
Improvements to the Pahiatua Track are an ongoing priority, enhanced the mayor hopes by Palmerston North City Council plans for a second bridge into the city.
Efforts to attract new residents to Tararua are also of continuing interest to mayor Reynolds.
In general she expects the next term to be “steady as she goes”.
“I look forward to constructive discussions with councillors and management to continue to make Tararua District a great place to live, work and play.”