Ultra-fast broadband comes to Invercargill and Hawera
Friday 18 May 2012, 3:04PM
By Amy Adams
The Government’s world-class ultra-fast broadband initiative continues to gather pace throughout New Zealand, with work starting in Invercargill and Hawera, Communications and Information Technology Minister Amy Adams says.
Work to build an Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) network got underway in Invercargill today, while deployment starts in Hawera on Monday.
When work begins in Hawera, UFB deployment will have commenced in 20 towns or cities.
Ms Adams says the rollout of UFB is an innovative programme that will see New Zealand leapfrog its competitors to become one of the most connected countries in the world.
“New Zealanders are hungry for faster internet speeds and are excited about the opportunities for innovation that it will bring.
“UFB will change the way we work, the way we learn, the way we receive healthcare and the way we live our lives.”
In Invercargill, the UFB build to be undertaken by Chorus will cover more than 18,000 premises.
Progress will be fast, with more than 5000 premises, including four schools, able to be connected to fibre by July next year.
The schools are:
- Newfield Park Primary School
- Ruru Specialist School
- St John’s Girls Primary School
- St Patrick’s Primary School
Ultrafast Fibre Ltd is contracted to roll out fibre-optic cable to about 163,000 premises in Hamilton, Tauranga, Wanganui, New Plymouth, Hawera and Tokoroa.
Work in Hawera will reach more than 3500 homes, schools, health centres and businesses over the next three years.
“The Government’s broadband plans will help create a step-change for our economy. Taking fast broadband to the home will bring significant gains for our output, invention, and global reach,” Ms Adams says.