And another day dawns

Friday 1 June 2012, 8:35AM

By Terrace Downs Art


GB feathers
GB feathers Credit: Terrace Downs Art
GB kotuku
GB kotuku Credit: Terrace Downs Art


“I don’t remember hearing any noise, I don’t remember being woken up, I don’t remember the moment when the rocking and rolling started or even getting myself out of bed and to the doorframe. It felt like I woke up under there. I was hanging on with white knuckles as the floor bucked and swayed as if we were riding a four metre swell. The waves just kept on coming, I looked at my Aunty and Uncle, was this going to stop? Or was this the beginning of something even bigger?

Later that morning I lay in bed staring into the darkness, all my senses on high alert, muscles ready to launch me back into the doorframe at the slightest hint of movement. Needless to say I didn’t get another wink of sleep that night....”

It was here that, Ginney Deavoll, a talented artist and writer, began her new journey. She wanted to tell a story through her creative talents, of the things that she had learned about the Canterbury quakes so she set forth in creating an amazing exhibition of artworks that is now to be revealed at Terrace Downs Resort on Friday 8th June.

It was during the aftermath of both major quakes that she truly gained an appreciation and awe of the earth’s power, a realisation that many of us in the farming community will understand, that the earth is just doing what it has always done.

She also understood that it is events like this that have shaped our land and made it what it is today. Yet recognises the irony of the most dramatic and disastrous events being responsible for some of the most spectacular scenery.

Ginney has spent a lot of time living and working in various countries over the world in a variety of jobs but found that nowhere, not even Rome, the French Alps or the Whitsundays inspires her to paint in the way New Zealand does.

Ginney is no stranger to the Christchurch Public Her art has been displayed as murals on 16 Christchurch locations including being selected by the Christchurch City council to have her design painted on the Sumner city surf club wall to welcome people to Sumner in 2004.

Based in Christchurch, she has always a connection to the traditional Kowhaiwhai and enjoyed learning their meanings but using them in a way that was her own. She is an artist that has been creating all of her life and comes from a talented family of artists including her mother, who is a teacher of the arts at Chisnalwood Intermediate.

Rachael Inch, Arts Director for the resort commented “Ginney Deavoll is one of the most passionate artists I have come across. Her words, along with her artworks really take you further than just a pretty picture on the wall. I believe that it is creative spirits like Ginney that add substance to the NZ art scene and bring the Selwyn district something new.”

This recent collection of artwork is a celebration of our unique land; a land that has been uplifted, squeezed, stretched, flooded, scolded and frozen at various times throughout its history. It is about the forces and cycles that shape it, destroy it and recreate it.

Ginneys collection will be unveiled at the opening in Hunters Dining room at Terrace Downs Resort on Friday 8th June at 6:30pm, seated by 7pm for full buffet. The evening is complimented by the amazing talented Kris Trousellot on the baby grand piano. Together, the elements of Kris’s beautiful sounds, the delicious food, the stunning artwork and the jovial company makes it a night out well worth attending. - For Rachael's Beautiful Original NZ Paintings