It's Dog Registration Time Again
Current dog owners can expect registration applications in the post by the end of June. The first 100 owners who register their dog at each service centre will receive a small gift.
A few notes on registering your dog:
The registration application is a legal document that can be used in a court of law, only the owner may sign it – not a spouse or partner. Please also check that the document is correctly and fully completed before arriving at the Council service centre or before posting it back.
The provision of a physical dog location is a requirement – the RAPID number, road name and rural delivery number must be included. The more contact details we have – staff can make sure there are minimal delays in returning your dog to you. Anyone who has moved house is required under the Dog Control Act to advise the Council so that the database can be amended – this must be done within 14 days. This is a separate process to rates notification because a different database is involved.
Records indicate some owners have been paying a rural fee when they should be paying an urban fee. A rural rate is only applicable if the dog is a working dog or the property has at least one hectare of conjoining land. Owners who have not met the criteria have been adjusted to an urban fee.