McCAIN Gets Kiwi Kids Growing – AGAIN! Third Annual McCAIN School Veggie Patches Programme Begins

Tuesday 12 June 2012, 3:34PM



 McCAIN School Veggie Patches Programme
McCAIN School Veggie Patches Programme Credit: FUSE PR

The McCAIN School Veggie Patches Programme is back. It is now time for primary schools across New Zealand to register for the programme and log interest in a visit from the McCAIN Red Veggie Truck and Grower.

During the 2010 and 2011 programmes, over 1,000 Kiwi primary schools registered with 140 of them receiving a visit from the McCAIN Red Veggie Truck and Grower.

Schools have between May 15th to August 19th to register to the 2012 programme and until June 1st to register interest in a visit from the McCAIN Red Veggie Truck and Grower.

The response from the previous two years has created an even bigger benchmark to exceed this year to ensure the maximum number of Kiwi kids get excited about vegetables and growing their own in the school patch.

McCAIN Foods Australia New Zealand Marketing Director, Mike O’Brien, eagerly welcomes the opportunity to enrich the futures of even more Kiwi kids with the 2012 programme.

“The past two years of the programme have taken our concept of developing a hands-on connection with the process of growing and harvesting vegetables,” says O’Brien.

“This year, we look forward to equipping even more young lives with an invaluable gardening knowledge and experience,” he concludes.

All schools that register for the McCAIN School Veggie Patches Programme at are eligible to gain points towards gardening tools, seeds and equipment whenever somebody purchases any McCAIN frozen vegetables and sends the barcode to their registered local school.

Schools can register interest in an interactive visit from the McCAIN Red Veggie Truck and Grower’s interactive gardening lesson at, before the truck, the grower and his wealth of veggie knowledge arrives in the area.