Himatangi Beach Community Sewerage Scheme Update

Tuesday 12 June 2012, 4:04PM

By Manawatu District Council



The project team has continued to make significant progress with the Himatangi Beach Community Sewerage Scheme (HBCSS). Significant recent developments include:

  • The tendering process has been completed, and we are now in a position to award the contract for the design and construction of the main elements of the scheme to the Hawkins Infrastructure/Beca/Mono/CityCare consortium. The contract award is subject to confirmation of the $3.2m Sanitary Works Scheme Subsidy by the Ministry of Health which is still awaited.
  • Negotiations with the landowners for the purchase of the wastewater treatment site and use of up to 60 ha of surrounding land for irrigation of the treated wastewater have been completed and the contract agreement is being finalised.
  • Wayne Finlayson, the Project's Drainage Evaluator, has commenced the on lot drainage evaluations. These will identify how your existing drainage system will be connected to the on lot pumping station units (PSU) and whether any modifications need to be made to your existing plumbing to ensure that all your wastewater drains to the PSU. Debbie Tate, MDC's Project Coordinator, will be contacting you to advise when Wayne will be doing evaluations in your street. These are expected to take about 4 months to complete
  • To reduce the scheme costs it has been decided to allow two properties to drain to each PSU where possible. Power to these units will normally be supplied direct from the nearest power pole in the adjacent road reserve. When evaluating the on lot drainage requirements Wayne Finlayson will take into consideration which two properties will drain to a PSU
  • The contribution per property to connect to the scheme will be $8,500 plus GST for those who opt to connect before 31 December 2012. This includes the cost of emptying and decommissioning existing septic tanks and allows for reinstatement of gardens and paved areas to the same standard as existing. Property owners may undertake some of these items at their own expense by agreement with the Contractor, in which case a reduced contribution will apply depending on the extent of work the property owner chooses to do.
  • The contribution also includes the cost of carrying out the drainage evaluations and obtaining the necessary building consents, and the cost of drainage works between a property's gulley trap and the PSU.
  • The cost of preparing a Memorandum of Encumbrance, which is a legal document setting out the rights and obligations of the Council and individual property owners with regard to the construction, operation and maintenance of the on lot works, is included as well.
  • The scope of any required plumbing modifications will be included in the Building Consent application which will be prepared by MDC. However the modifications will need to be carried out by property owners.
  • A range of payment options will be available to enable the contribution to be paid either as a single payment or through the rates in instalments, but the latter will also include interest charges. Some details of these options can be found in the Project Information Booklet attachment below.
  • Any property owner wishing to join the HBCSS after 31 December 2012, or whose property is not eligible to benefit from the subsidy, will be charged the full unsubsidised cost of $18,500 plus GST per property.
  • A Public Open Day was held on Saturday at 2 June in the Himatangi Beach Community Centre with a high turnout of over 150 property owners. Mayor Kouvelis, Councillors and Council staff were present to provide information and answer questions about the scheme.
