Matariki, the Māori New Year, Celebrated Across New Zealand

Friday 15 June 2012, 12:18PM

By Tasman District Council


Matariki can be translated in two ways – Mata Riki (Tiny Eyes) and Mata Ariki (Eyes of God). Some say Matariki is a mother surrounded by her six daughters while others suggest Matariki is a male star.

However, the Matariki cluster can be seen from all parts of the world, and is most commonly known as Pleiades. Other names it is known as include Subaru, the Seven Sisters and Messier 45. It appears in the sky around the shortest day of the year, and is thought to determine how good the harvest will be in the coming season. The brighter the stars, the more productive the crop.

The first rising of Matariki occurs just prior to sunrise in late May or early June each year and symbolises the coming of the Maori New Year. Some iwi start celebrations as soon as the constellation is seen, however, it is the first new moon after the stars are first seen that officially signals the Maori New Year. This year Matariki is on the 21 June 2012.

Matariki was a time to celebrate and to prepare the ground for the coming year. It was also a time to instruct young people in the ways of the land and the forest through stories, games and music to ensure traditions were passed on. Matariki was, and still is, a time to foster unity and the importance of whanau. It is still seen as an important time to celebrate the earth, and show respect for the land and water. Matariki is a good time to reflect on your place in the world, to reawaken old skills or try out new ones and to set new goals. There are a number of fun, educational and cultural events happening throughout Tasman to celebrate Matariki this year. To find out more visit our Matariki events page.