First meeting of Hikurangi Community Response Group

Whangarei District Council

Monday 18 June 2012, 6:27PM

By Whangarei District Council



A new Civil Defence Community Response Group is about to be formed in Hikurangi and community members are invited along to a meeting to get it off the ground next Saturday.

​The meeting will be held at the Hikurangi Fire Station on Saturday 23 June 2012 at 3pm.

“Initially we will be talking about what a Community Response Group is, how it works and what its role will be during an emergency,” said Whangarei District Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer Victoria Randall.

“Once we have the beginnings of a group we will work together to develop a Hikurangi Community Response Plan, which will prepare the community for civil defence hazards and increase community resilience.

“We already have a number of these groups, particularly in Coastal areas that are vulnerable to tsunamis and other hazards, and we are developing more throughout the District.

“We are keen for anyone who would like to be part of the group, or to have input into the meeting, or who would just like find out about the group and plan, to attend the meeting,” she said.