Dame Edna & Barry: Adding Years By Losing Kilos

Wednesday 27 June 2012, 11:42AM

By PPR New Zealand


Dame Edna Everage and Barry Humphries
Dame Edna Everage and Barry Humphries Credit: PPR New Zealand

National Treasure Dame Edna Everage and her manager Barry Humphries are more than halfway to their goal weight, both shedding an impressive eight kilograms with Jenny Craig.

Twelve weeks ago, Edna and Barry decided to get serious about their health and turned to Jenny to help reach their goal of losing 15 kilos each.

Edna is feeling like a new woman – so much so that she’s even reconsidering her upcoming retirement!

“I feel like I’ve been given ten more years of life!  In fact I’m feeling so well, that after this farewell tour I might do a lot more shows,” Dame Edna said.

In the past, Edna’s unhealthy eating habits had sadly limited her wardrobe for the farewell tour – Eat, Pray, Laugh - but now, thanks to Jenny, the Dame has dropped a dress size and can fit into more of her breathtaking frocks and meet the high physical demands of the tour.

“I’m starting to adore what I see…the other day I could fit into a dress that I haven’t worn for years - I actually couldn’t believe it!

“My food habits are changing, but the best thing is I’m not depriving myself of the culinary delights I’m used to – Jenny’s food is positively scrumptious!” she said.

Like all Jenny clients, Edna meets with a weight loss consultant weekly to keep her on track and guide her through the weight loss journey.

“Every week I meet with my consultant who helps me plan for my week ahead. She’s a lovely lady and very helpful… I want to keep her when I’m done with the program!”  Edna said.

Barry Humphries initially joined the program to support Edna, but since losing eight kilos he has started to realise the added bonuses that come with weight loss.

“I no longer need my afternoon sleep! My clothes fit – in fact they’re a bit looser now.  I feel better when I wake up and simple things like moving around are noticeably easier.

I’m also feeling a bit more attractive to myself…I’ve always had a love affair with myself, but it’s deepened since losing 8 kilos with Jenny Craig,” Mr Humphries said.

Amy Smith, Managing Director of Jenny Craig Australia and New Zealand is excited about the weight loss success of the company’s ambassadors and their new-found lease on life.

“Dame Edna is an absolute legend and we want her to be around forever.  With her dedication and the Jenny program by her side, we’ll see a slimmer and healthier national icon become larger than life,” said Ms Smith.

Watch Dame Edna talks about her weight loss


Watch Barry Humphries talks about her weight loss


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