NORML calls for police inspector's head to roll

Wednesday 27 June 2012, 2:46PM

By National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML New Zealand Inc)


NORML New Zealand are calling for Waitakere Police Area Commander Inspector Steve Kehoe to lose his job after he led two days of police raids against NORML's Auckland Headquarters, the Daktory.

NORML vice-president Abe Gray said police action suppressed legitimate political protest and breached the Bill of Rights of NORML board member Dakta Green.

"If police want NORML members to stop openly breaking the law then they will have to ask the politicians to legalise cannabis," Mr Gray said.

"Until such time as the Government implements the Law Commissions recommendations relating to cannabis, the civil disobedience will continue."

Daily searches and the threat of 12 years jail for Dakta Green if just one person smokes cannabis at the Daktory is in breach of the Bill of Right which protects against unreasonable search and seizure.

"The threat of 12 years jail for a peaceful, non-violent protest makes a mockery of a free and democratic society," Mr Gray said.

"Not only is cannabis a victimless crime, there is evidence that the plant has significant medical benefits."

Meanwhile Dakta Green's parter is stuck in prison awaiting a judge to hear her bail application.