Minister launches new Get Ready ads

Thursday 28 June 2012, 6:23PM

By Chris Tremain


Civil Defence Minister Chris Tremain today launched the new Get Ready series of advertisements at Mt Roskill primary school in Auckland.

The advertising campaign features primary school children from Mt Roskill and Mt Eden primary schools talking about what an earthquake is and what to do when an earthquake happens.

“The television advertising and online videos will address any confusion over the right actions to take in an earthquake and also back up the national ShakeOut campaign,” says Mr Tremain.

“The spontaneous responses from the children are powerful and compelling and make the ads relevant and interesting to a wide audience.

“Children are great at spreading messages among family and friends so their involvement was a key part of this campaign. These ads will help reinforce the importance of taking the correct action of drop, cover and hold when an earthquake happens.”

The advertisements support the New Zealand ShakeOut campaign which aims to have one million people do an earthquake drill at 9.26am on 26 September (9:26-26:9).