PlaceMakers sports promos tickle funny bone

Wednesday 4 July 2012, 12:10PM

By Emma Field


Behind the scenes with Hayden Paddon at PlaceMakers One News Sport shoot.
Behind the scenes with Hayden Paddon at PlaceMakers One News Sport shoot. Credit: Emma Field
Behind the scenes with actors getting ready for 'footie match' One News Sports shoot.
Behind the scenes with actors getting ready for 'footie match' One News Sports shoot. Credit: Emma Field

New Zealand builders’ trademark wry sense of humour and love of sport are showcased in PlaceMakers’ latest ONE News Sport promos.

The latest series of sponsorship promos feature tradesmen enjoying some ‘sporting’ down time on and off the building site.

Amongst the sports featured are an impromptu footie match on vacant land adjacent to the building site, a makeshift game of 10 pin bowling and a less-than-impressive display of gymnastics.  Also watch out for a nod to PlaceMakers’ community partner sponsorship of the New Zealand teams competing in the Investec 2012 Super Rugby competition.

Suffice to say, New Zealand’s professional sportsmen have nothing to fear!

PlaceMakers Chief Executive, John Beveridge says the promo series strikes a balance between good-natured ‘horse play’ and respecting health and safety rules that are essential on a building site.

“The industry is full of professional, qualified builders who take their trade seriously but also know how to have fun while they work.  It doesn’t mean they disregard the rules. In fact, we’ve gone to great lengths to ensure in each scenario that proper safety gear is being worn and tools are used correctly.

“As the leading supplier of materials to the building trade, we are wholeheartedly committed to safety … and we also like a bit of a laugh,” he says.

Unlike PlaceMakers brand campaign which is entirely authentic and features real-life builders and a real-life build, the promo spots take a little more artistic licence and use actors.  For the first time, they also feature a selection of PlaceMakers’ suppliers products.

“It’s nice to be able to build on our authentic brand campaign with a little bit of acting fun, but to do so in a way that further underpins our proposition - ‘Together, we’re building New Zealand’.

“Our business is a bit like the proverbial three-legged stool; a true partnership between our customers, suppliers and the PlaceMakers team.  By featuring suppliers’ products in these promos, we’re genuinely demonstrating that ‘togetherness’,” Beveridge says.

The first of the new PlaceMakers ONE News Sport promos went to air on Sunday 1 July 2012, featuring production world rally champion Hayden Paddon. The rest of the promo series will roll out over the coming month.