Have your say on the Draft Active Recreation Strategy
The Council has recently adopted the Draft Active Recreation Strategy. Now, the Council would like to find out what the community thinks about what is being proposed.
Active recreation is a high priority for the City Council. Palmerston North aims to be a socially sustainable city where people want to live because of its safe and easy lifestyle and its many social, cultural and recreational opportunities.
One of the key ways that Council can facilitate this is to ensure there are places for sport and active recreation to occur. The aim is to maintain and develop facilities that cater for both the avid sportsperson and the casual user; in a range of settings from bush reserve to artificial turf. A priority for Council is making sure that these facilities are well promoted and used by all.
Council would also like to ensure that Arena Manawatu operates as the City's number one indoor sports hub. It is a challenge to balance the needs of different users and provide excellent facilities at an affordable cost. In the coming years Council will develop a Master Plan that will guide how Arena Manawatu is developed.
Council has identified some challenges to the provision of recreation facilities in the future. Our community is changing. The City's population of less active people is set to increase. There is a movement away from participating in traditional team sports and a preference for casual, social sports. We need to take these changes into account when planning for recreation in the future.
It is important to the Council that those people whose lives are affected by the Strategy are involved in its development. We welcome feedback.
After the feedback has been considered the Council will be presented with a final copy of the Strategy. The Council will then make the final decision about what is included in the Strategy.
Copies of the Draft Active Recreation Strategy are available by clicking on the link below or from Council Offices, The Square, Palmerston North. Feedback can be addressed to:
Tracey Hunt
Palmerston North City Council
Private Bag 11034, The Square
Palmerston North 4442
Ph (06) 356 8199
Feedback closes 9 August 2012
Draft Active Recreation Strategy 2012 [PDF file 824KB]