Bonus Bonds winner to help daughter have her dream wedding

Monday 16 July 2012, 9:11AM

By DraftFCB PR


Winning $100,000 is just a dream for most New Zealanders, however thanks to Bonus Bonds this dream became a reality for one South Waikato resident.

"When I received the call from ANZ to tell me I'd won, I nearly hung up on him thinking it was a joke," says the overjoyed winner who would prefer to remain anonymous.

She originally purchased the bonds to save for her daughter's wedding and then put them out of sight and out of mind, frequently winning small prizes, but nothing over $50.

"I loved getting the small prizes as well, but I remember when the last one came through, I said to my husband, 'Why can't I get more zeroes?' And then I got the phone call!"

The winner's daughter, who still hasn't had her wedding, is yet to be told of her mother's win.

"When I told my friends I was investing in Bonus Bonds they told me I was mad. But I'm not a gambler; I didn't want to lose my money which is why I chose Bonus Bonds."

Once she has helped with her daughter's wedding, the winner is yet to decide what to do with the remainder of her prize money, but is contemplating investing some of it back in to Bonus Bonds.

"The news is still sinking in; I'm going to enjoy planning what to do with the rest of the prize. It's a real gift."

Bonus Bonds helps everyday Kiwis save for big purchases such as cars and houses, their children's education or simply for a rainy day.

A minimum investment of $20 gives Bond holders 20 chances to win every month. Bonds can be kept indefinitely and there is no maximum number that may be held. Bonds can be cashed in at any time.

"The benefit of an investment with Bonus Bonds is that every bondholder with eligible bonds has chances to win the big pot each month, and the thrill of that possibility is something all New Zealanders love," says Glenn Stevenson, Head of Bonus Bonds at ANZ.

"An investment with Bonus Bonds remains there for as long as you like, so of course the chances of winning tax-free prizes every month are always there - and that's why we think it's a much more fun investment."

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