Government responds to Auckland Plan

David Carter

Friday 20 July 2012, 6:14PM

By David Carter



A number of key proposals in Auckland Council’s first Auckland Plan are broadly aligned with the Government’s priorities, but there are still some areas of concern, says Local Government Minister David Carter.

Senior Ministers met with the Auckland Mayor and Councillors today for the annual Auckland Central Government/Local Government Forum to discuss a range of issues, including the Government’s response to the Auckland Plan.

"Auckland Council’s adoption of the Plan is a significant milestone and sets out the Council’s vision for the region over the next 30 years," says Mr Carter.

"Over that time, Auckland will accommodate 60 per cent of the country’s population growth. The importance of good effective planning for the region cannot be underestimated.

"The Government supports the Plan’s approach in several areas such as economic development, arts, culture and heritage, Māori development, and recreation and sport.

“This demonstrates that the Plan, as a whole, has moved towards greater alignment with the Government’s priorities.

“However, some concerns were expressed about the effectiveness and affordability of the transport strategy, the proposals to address quality affordable housing in Auckland and the alignment with the Better Public Services result areas.

“The Government will continue to work with Auckland Council to address these issues and achieve better alignment between our priorities and the Council’s targets,” says Mr Carter.

Related Documents

Government response to Auckland Plan.pdf (pdf 171.62 KB)