Whangarei residents encouraged to sign up for earthquake drill

Saturday 21 July 2012, 11:24AM

By Whangarei District Council



If all goes according to plan more than 20,000 Northlanders will suddenly drop to the ground at 9.26am on September 26, along with a million other New Zealanders.

​The national ‘Drop, Cover and Hold’ drill will be held during the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management’s exercise “New Zealand Shakeout” an event designed to help people and organisations prepare for major earthquakes, and know what to do when they happen.

“People across the country are being invited to take part and register for this national event. Everyone will practice "Drop, Cover and Hold"—the right action to take in an earthquake,” said Whangarei District Council Emergency Management Officer Victoria Randall.

“This is New Zealand’s biggest ever earthquake drill and already more than 2700 people in the Whangarei District have registered to take part.  We are aiming to get that number to 20,000.

“The earthquakes experienced in New Zealand over the last couple of years have highlighted the need for the public to be ready and know the right actions to take when an earthquake strikes.”

“While earthquake hazard varies from region to region and Northland has a low risk of earthquake, people may find themselves in other parts of New Zealand, or the world when an earthquake strikes so learning the correct thing to do can save lives.

“We are encouraging everyone to take part in this drill and learn the correct actions to take in an earthquake so get yourself and your family involved and register today.” Ms Randall said.

If you would like to find out more or register your participation in the event visit the NZ Shakeout website. You can register your participation as an individual, family, workplace or organisation by following the instructions on the website.

Link to the NZ Shakeout website