Gambling Commission reappointments
Thursday 26 July 2012, 8:30PM
By Chris Tremain
Internal Affairs Minister Chris Tremain today announced the reappointment of two members of the Gambling Commission – Graeme Reeves as Chief Gambling Commissioner and Paul Stanley as Gambling Commissioner. Both Commissioners’ terms are for three years.
“The reappointments will retain valuable governance experience and skills. Mr Reeves, of Wellington, will continue to provide his legal expertise and strategic analysis experience, while Mr Stanley, of Tauranga, will provide Māori and health sector perspectives,” says Mr Tremain.
The Gambling Commission is an independent statutory decision-making body. The Commission hears casino licensing applications, and appeals on licensing and enforcement decisions made by the Secretary of Internal Affairs in relation to gaming machines and other non-casino gambling activities.
The other Commissioners are Russell Bell of Whanganui, Abigail Foote of Christchurch and Lisa Hansen of Wellington.