Community Recreation

Friday 27 July 2012, 1:25PM

By Tasman District Council



Highest Response Ever to Nelson Tasman Community Awards

Locals have really got behind their volunteers with 134 entries received for the TrustPower Nelson Tasman Community Awards; the highest number received since the Awards started in 2000.

The Awards, which recognise and reward volunteers for the outstanding contribution they make to the local community, are run in partnership with Tasman District and Nelson City Council.

TrustPower Community Relations Representative Teresa Partridge is over the moon at the number of voluntary groups entered for this year’s Awards. She is excited that so many generous and hard working community groups will be celebrated at this year’s Awards evening.

“We have received 134 entries for 126 voluntary groups and organisations. These entries represent thousands of volunteers who are contributing untold hours to the Tasman and Nelson communities every year. It is wonderful that we now have the opportunity to recognise and thank the work of these volunteers.

Through the TrustPower Community Awards we will honour these volunteers and their hard work. And a big ‘thanks’ must go to the people who entered these wonderful groups,” says Teresa.

The entries for the Awards are currently being prepared for judging. The winners will be announced at a function on Monday 6 August 2012, to which all entered organisations will be invited.

Changes to Mudcakes & Roses

The next issue of Mudcakes & Roses, Council’s regular magazine for the active elderly, is out on 1 August 2012. As previously indicated there is now a small charge for our mail-out service where copies are delivered to individual households. It will still be widely available, and still free, in Council service centres and libraries, Richmond Mall, rest homes, doctors’ waiting rooms etc. You can also read the magazine online through the Tasman District Council website, – which is accessible to friends and relatives in far-off places.

If none of those avenues suit, readers can continue to receive the magazine in their mailbox, six issues a year, for a small annual fee of $10. Just contact Mike on Ph. 03 533 8403. Happy reading.