Draft Long Term Plan 2012-2022
At a Special Meeting of Council held on 26 June 2012 Council resolved to adopt as a Statement of Proposal the Draft Long Term Plan 2012-2022 (Draft LTP) and Summary Long Term Plan 2012-2022 (Summary LTP) for public consultation using the special consultation procedures prescribed in Sections 83 & 84 of the Local Government Act 2002.
The Draft LTP and Summary LTP will be available for public inspection from Thursday, 28 June 2012 and may be viewed at the Council Office, Public Library, and Visitor Information Centre or can be downloaded below.
Hardcopies of the Draft LTP and Summary LTP documents are also available, at no charge, from the Council Office, Wairoa.
Have your say
Submissions on the Draft LTP will be received up until 5.00pm on Monday, 30 July 2012.
"Click here" to make an online submission.
Council will hear all submissions at a Special Council Meeting, and will make any amendments before the final documents are adopted.
Summary Draft LTP 2012-2022 (Warning! Large file size: 4.4mb)