Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan

Wairoa District Council

Friday 27 July 2012, 3:13PM

By Wairoa District Council



This document is the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, released for general consultation and feedback.

Managing waste is an important Council role. We aim to manage the District's waste in a cost-effective way that will support the New Zealand Waste Strategy's objectives of reducing the harmful effects of waste and improving the efficiency of resource use.

Since the District's last Waste Management Plan was produced in 2005, a number of changes have occurred nationally, locally, and within the waste management industry.

The Waste Minimisation Act (WMA), which was introduced in 2008, gives the Council more responsibility in managing waste, and the landfill levy introduced as part of the WMA, along with the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme, means that the cost of landfilling our waste is likely to increase in future.

Since 2005, we have made several changes to the Council's waste services that have resulted in a wider choice of services for our residents. These changes have also resulted in a much greater number of our residents and businesses visiting the District's landfill, and a growing emphasis on local management of waste for the more isolated and rural communities. However we are still sending waste to landfill that could be recycled or recovered. As a District we need to make sure that we keep working to improve our waste management, and to manage ours and others' waste in a way that will reduce the total cost to our community.

Council is required under the WMA to produce a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan that shows how it plans to manage our waste in the District. This Plan describes how we currently manage waste in the Wairoa District, how the Council suggests our community should manage waste in the future, and what we can all do to make this happen.

Our approach to waste management and minimisation will continue to emphasise allowing our residents to make choices in the kerbside collection services they use, and we will proactively work with rural and isolated communities to extend the self-management model to more parts of the District. Our focus will increasingly shift to providing comprehensive recycling, recovery, and diversion services at the landfill, while still providing a high quality and environmentally responsible disposal option for the District. A comprehensive education program will focus on, amongst other areas, rural residents; aiming to encourage better use of the services the Council provides in these areas. Resources will also be directed to development of more rural drop-off and mini-transfer stations, particularly following a co-management approach with local communities.

Some specific waste streams will be subject to more intensive management, such as hazardous waste and illegally dumped wastes.

This Plan describes how we currently manage our waste, how Council suggests our community should manage our waste in the future, and what we can all do to make this happen. Council wants to hear what you think of the draft Plan, and whether you agree with our ideas and proposals.

Once the Council has heard the community's views on this draft, any changes necessary will be made and the final Plan will be confirmed by Council. We will all then begin the task of implementing the various actions that have been agreed. In some cases, this will mean the community will be heavily involved; in other cases actions may be the sole responsibility of Council.

As you read through this document, questions will prompt you to consider certain issues. Council would like to hear your views on these questions, and any other issues you wish to raise. Your views can be submitted in writing, and you will also have the opportunity to discuss your views with Council following the close of the submission period.

Have your say

Submissions on the Draft draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan will be received up until 5.00pm on Monday, 30 July 2012.

Council will hear all submissions at a Special Council Meeting, and will make any amendments before the final documents are adopted.


Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan - Part A

Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan - Part B

Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan - Part C

Waste Assessment for Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Review