Ginger may give diabetes a helpful zing

Wednesday 1 August 2012, 12:31PM



Ginger could have the power to help long-term diabetic patients, a condition that affects millions globally, according to a recent University of Sydney study on Buderim Ginger samples.

Research reveals the potential power of ginger to aid in the management of high levels of blood sugar. By assisting muscle cells, it could help control the blood glucose levels that create complications for long-term diabetic patients and provide some long-awaited good news to sufferers.

Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Basil Roufogalis who led the research, says extracts from Buderim Ginger-grown ginger were able to increase the uptake of glucose into muscle cells to allow them to operate independently of blood insulin levels.

“The components responsible for the increase in glucose were gingerols, a major part of the ginger rhizome,” says Professor Roufogalis.

“Under normal conditions the blood glucose level is strictly maintained within a narrow range, and skeletal muscle is a major site of glucose uptake in the body.”

The pharmacy researchers extracted a whole ginger rhizome and showed that one fraction of the extract was highly effective in reproducing the increase in glucose uptake by muscle cells.

This fraction was also rich in gingerols, which showed an increase in the distribution of the protein that exists on the surface of muscle cells and is responsible for transporting glucose into muscle cells.
In type 2 diabetic patients, the capacity of skeletal muscle to uptake glucose is markedly reduced due to impaired insulin signal transmission and inefficiency of this protein.

“It is hoped that these promising results for managing blood glucose levels can be examined further in human clinical trials,” said Professor Roufogalis.

This research provides positive reinforcement for the importance of ginger in a healthy diet of both diabetic patients and those of us enjoying good health alike.

For further information on Buderim Ginger, contact Craig Todd, General Manager of Sales & Marketing on 07 5447 8426 or