Half million dollar Lottery grant kicks off Globe fundraiser
The New Zealand Lotteries Commission has donated $500,000 to the redevelopment of the Globe Theatre.
In the 2012/13 10 Year Plan the Palmerston North City Council gave the go ahead for the redevelopment of the Globe Theatre which includes the addition of a café/bar and a 100 seat flat floor auditorium for intimate theatre performances, a training space and conference facility if required.
Globe Theatre chairman Stephen Fisher welcomed the news. "Lotteries have been very generous towards our project. The funds alongside those provided by the Palmerston North City Council have ensured we are well on the way to achieving our dream."
"I am confident that we can raise the remaining $500,000 from the community."
Stephen Fisher says they're in the advanced planning stages of a series of fundraising activities that will include a gala series, donations and grants from other trusts and sponsorship from the individuals, families and corporates.
Palmerston North Jono Naylor welcomed the funding announcement. "The Globe is Palmerston North's premier community theatre and its redevelopment is aimed at complimenting Palmerston North's existing facilities.
"The Globe is the final piece of the cultural boulevard redevelopment which includes the Library, Te Manawa and the Rugby Museum," says Mayor Naylor.
"It's great to see community driven projects such as this succeed, I'm confident that we as a community will raise the rest of the funds."
Construction begins in January and the redeveloped facility will open on 1 July 2013.