Dunne launches consultation on gambling harm services
Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne today announced the release of a Ministry of Health consultation document on services it proposes to purchase to prevent and minimise gambling harm over the next few years.
The Ministry proposes spending over $55 million in three-year period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2016, on:
- intervention services to help people experiencing problems as a result of their own or someone else’s gambling;
- public health services to prevent and minimise gambling harm; and
- gambling research and evaluation.
The main gambling operators (non-casino gaming machine societies, the casinos, the New Zealand Lotteries Commission and the New Zealand Racing Board) reimburse the Government for the cost of the Ministry’s services.
“This consultation process is required every three years under the Gambling Act 2003 and it is important that we get feedback on how we might spend the funding to best effect,” Mr Dunne said.
“The Health Ministry will consider its proposals in the light of submissions and final decisions will be made by April or May next year,” he said.
Written submissions close on Friday 7 September. The Ministry will also hold meetings in main centres in the week starting 20 August, to discuss its proposals and the process for making submissions.
The consultation document can be found at http://www.health.govt.nz/publication/preventing-and-minimising-gambling-harm-consultation-document
The meetings will be listed on the Ministry’s website.