Flooding situation update 5.30pm

Christchurch City Council

Monday 13 August 2012, 6:47PM

By Christchurch City Council



The latest high tide this afternoon has not caused any further surface flooding issues across the city.

Council’s Transport and Greenspace Unit Manager Alan Beuzenberg says the situation appears to be improving.

“This afternoon’s high tide has passed without any further flooding issues. The situation definitely appears to be getting better but if you don’t need to be out on the roads tonight our advice is to stay home.”

Mr Beuzenberg says it is very important that motorists continue to follow road closure signage, drive slowly and take extra care through flooded roads.

The following city roads are currently closed: River Road, Slater Street and Lower Styx Road.  Partial road closures include: New Brighton Road between Bower and Pages Road; Eastern Terrace between Birdwood Avenue and Tennyson Street; Hunter Terrace from Malcolm Avenue; Avonside Drive from Kerrs Road to Torlesse Street.  For more details on road closures, including Banks Peninsula, please visit

Contractors will again be out overnight monitoring the worst affected areas and will take steps to address any problems that arise.

Takamatua water supply affected by flooding

The water supply in Takamatua has recently run out and cannot be refilled due to the flooding of the Takamatua Stream. A water tanker with drinking water will be set up in Old French Road off Takamatua Bay Road for the residents to fill their own containers. The tanker service should be available from 6pm.
There is also a slip preventing water carts from refilling the Takamatua Reservoir at the treatment plant. An alternate water supply option is being investigated.

The reservoir may not be able to refilled until late tomorrow (Tuesday 14 August).