Rural Land Use Strategy released
The new Rural Residential Land Use Strategy has now been released. The Strategy sets out the long-term direction for managing rural residential growth in Palmerston North and the development of rural residential areas or as they are commonly called, life-style blocks.
A large number of submissions were received from residents living in rural areas and other key stakeholders such as Federated Farmers, Horizons Regional Council and land transport representatives such as New Zealand Transport Authority and KiwiRail.
Submissions helped define a rural land use hierarchy as follows:
- Rural Producer (large farms).
- Satellite Rural Residential (small clusters of lifestyle blocks on the fringe of the City).
- Integrated Developments (new integrated rural subdivisions).
- Existing Rural Residential Areas (established rural residential areas such as Moonshine Valley).
This hierarchy will support the Council's objective to protect high class soils for productive use.
The Strategy is one of a number of land use plans which have been prepared to assist the Council's Sectional District Plan Review being prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991.
The Strategy can be viewed here or at any branch of the Library, or at the Customer Service Centre, Squareside.