Committee recommends Procurement Policy

Thursday 23 August 2012, 11:30AM

By Christchurch City Council



The Christchurch City Council’s Audit and Risk Management Subcommittee yesterday agreed to recommend the Council adopts a new Procurement Policy at an upcoming meeting. The policy aims to put in place a clear set of principles around the Council’s purchasing that will be transparent and robust.

Audit and Risk Management Committee Chair Councillor Tim Carter says this is a big step forward for the Council.

“This new Procurement Policy will ensure that residents receive the best possible value for their rates. It will bring more transparency to Council’s purchasing and will ensure there is open and effective competition in the supply of goods and services to the Council.”

Corporate Support Unit Manager Sue Chappell says work began on this policy in 2009, but it didn’t progress due to the earthquakes.

“Now more than ever, with the rebuild and the volume of goods and services that the Council has to process, having a robust, accountable spending policy in place will give the community the assurance they need.

“The new policy also puts in place measures to help ensure local suppliers are given opportunities to tender and quote whenever practical. The Council will continue to advertise planned procurement opportunities and tenders. The Council will also consider the impact on the local economy when it makes decisions.”

The Subcommittee made an addition to the policy to clarify the Council’s commitment to use local business, wherever practical.

The Council’s procurement process will be audited on an annual basis and staff will report back to the Subcommittee.

The Procurement Policy, as discussed at the Audit and Risk Management Subcommittee, can be viewed here.