Four honoured for voluntary efforts over decades
Four Whangarei residents have been presented with Civic Honours Awards in recognition of their outstanding voluntary service to the community.
The Awards ceremony is an annual event at which Whangarei District Council recognises citizens who by their personal leadership, inspiration, sacrifice or devotion to a cause, have made a significant contribution to the wellbeing of our District.
The 2012 Civic Honours Awards were presented on 22 August in the Council Chambers. This year’s recipients are Elizabeth (Betty) Fyfe for her longstanding contribution to the physical, educational and spiritual welfare of the people of Hikurangi and their wider community; Peter Harding for his service to the residents of Whangarei Heads and his dedication to improving their natural environment; Robert (Robbie) Stevenson for his commitment to road safety in Northland and his part in establishing and managing ‘fatigue stops’; and Sheryn Comrie for the difference she has made to the lives of many Whangarei children through her work with those with specific learning disabilities, as a Girls’ Brigade leader and as a Bible in Schools teacher, co-ordinator and teacher trainer.
“Every year we are amazed at the number and calibre of the ‘good sorts’ in our community who only come to our attention through a Civic Honours nomination. The selection panel is often particularly moved by the extent and length of their service, and their unrelenting passion for helping others,” says Cr Shelley Deeming, Chair of the selection panel.
“It is always hard to narrow the field down to three or four, but we believe this year’s recipients truly deserve to be singled out for acknowledgement. These are the quiet, unassuming members of our community who see something that needs to be done and do it, often at their own expense and in their own time.
“A Civic Honour is sometimes the only way Council can recognise people like Betty, Peter, Robbie and Sheryn who are the back bone of our society, and thank them on behalf of our people,” Cr Deeming says.
“It is always heartwarming to see them receive this acknowledgement of their service, and to let them know they have made a difference and we are grateful for it.”