CYF and Ngapuhi sign milestone child protection agreement
Child, Youth and Family and Te Rūnanga Ā Iwi O Ngāpuhi have formally agreed to work together to protect and nurture children says Social Development Minister Paula Bennett.
“Ngapuhi are the first iwi to reach this milestone which marks a huge step towards better child protection in Northland,” says Mrs Bennett.
The Memorandum of Understanding between Child, Youth and Family and Te Rūnanga Ā Iwi O Ngāpuhi commits to open discussion, joint decision making and information sharing.
“This MoU will support early intervention with vulnerable Ngapuhi whānau and help address the root causes of child abuse and neglect,” says Mrs Bennett.
Around half the children in the care of Child Youth and Family are Māori and around 462 of these children are Ngapuhi, many of whom live with extended whānau.
“Unfortunately home is not a safe place for some Māori children and iwi have an important role to play in decisions about their care.”
“My hope is that other iwi will follow suit and build a closer relationship between Child, Youth and Family and their community,” says Mrs Bennett.