BikeWalk Reason To Walk

Thursday 6 September 2012, 1:32PM

By Marlborough District Council



BikeWalk Marlborough

Need a reason to go walking?

There are a million of them – here’s a few:

  • Your cat might need to stretch his legs.
  • You will feel like a new person. Especially in the winter, the hardest part is getting out the door, and leaving those lists and chores behind. Once you’ve done that, it gets better every step.
  • What a great way to get to work – no car hassles. Start with one day each week - call it your Walk-To-Work day. Try it for a few weeks, you might find that car sits in the driveway most of the week.
  • Walking is good for you. Yes, really really good for you. Believe it or not it can reduce blood pressure, increase the efficiency of the heart and lungs, boost bone strength, and help burn excess calories.
  • Take the family off the couch and head out for an after-dinner walk instead of watching television. Yes, even in the dark. You’ll see things in your neighbourhood and in the night sky that you’ve never noticed before.