Message from the Mayor

Friday 7 September 2012, 1:18PM

By Tasman District Council



In recent days there has been media speculation about the Council’s road delineation policy and the reasons for it.

The policy introduced in 2010 is focused on creating a consistent view of road marking throughout the Tasman District. Despite recent reports the policy is about creating clarity and enhancing safety. It provides guidance about roadmarking on the 1700kms of Council managed roads, not just rural roads.

Yes there have been some savings and they have been clearly reported; yes we are operating with a reduced roading budget as is nearly every local authority, however, it must be remembered this policy has been in since 2010 and is an ten year programme. In that time savings have been made which are being redirected back into the programme.

Within the policy, which covers all of Council managed roads, there is one section specifying the level of road markings on rural roads with less than 100 daily journeys, effectively the lower use roads in the District. The specifications are very clear regarding the need to identify hazards to ensure the safety of road users. It provides for standardisation of such markings and, in some cases, it says some markings on sections of these roads may not be necessary.

The result has been an increase of roadmarking on some of these roads, particularly around hazards, as well as the removal of some marking.

We have not, and never will, put a price on safety. If people are concerned about sections of specific roads they should call the Council.

The policy is open for all to see on our website.

Road Delineation-2010 (pdf, 90 KB)

Mayor Richard Kempthorne